
Friday, July 31, 2009


Kate has just started to understand that little girls grow up into women and then move away. She's somewhat distressed by this new revelation. Such is the setting for this exchange with her Daddy.

Daddy, I love you.

I love you too.

I won't ever leave you. When I grow up, I will move next door and I won't ever go away.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Changes Con't

Well, last night didn't work out with Gabby staying in her big girl bed, but perhaps that will help us in the long run. She wants the big bed, so putting her back in the crib when she didn't comply with staying in bed might help her learn.

She napped for about thirty minutes in her big bed today, until Kate decided that screaming that she didn't want a nap was a good idea. I tried putting her back in bed and staying with her, but she refuses to sleep with me there (we'd tried that last night too). So I put her in her crib for awhile, but she wasn't quite tired enough to give in, though believe me she was a tired young lady this afternoon!


We're also at the beginning of potty training. She's been doing a great job with #2, so I put her in training pants today to see if feeling wet would trigger a response. It didn't work in the couple of hours we worked on it. I was taking her to the bathroom every hour, but she always wet between. She also never told me she was wet, so that could be a bit of a challenge, if she doesn't care about being wet. We'll take this one as it comes. I was so invested in it with Kate and she took so long, that I figure I'll let Gabby lead the way a bit more and not try to push too hard. I'll give her opportunities and I'll likely try the training pants again soon, but I'm not going to let it run our lives. Justin is thrilled with the possibility that the diaper pail won't stink so much when he has to change the liners, at least until baby #3 is on solids.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


There's been a lot going on around here!

The girls are in the middle of the big bed switch of '09. In order to get ready for the new arrival, who will be commandeering the crib in the somewhat near future, we thought it prudent to move Gabby to a big girl bed in plenty of time to adjust to that transition before she had other, even bigger, changes coming.

The guest bed, which had been squeezed (and I do mean squeezed) in the nursery, was moved into Kate's room, where she has even more room to spread out, bounce, and not sleep. Here's her room in it's current state. The quilt will be replaced at some time in the not too distant future with a more juvenille pattern, but that must wait for me to get the time and energy to make it!

Then the bed that Kate had been using was taken off it's frame and placed on the floor. It's a beautiful old iron bed. My mom found it rusting outside and sanded it down herself. She used it, it was my first bed, my sister and our exchange student have all used it. Very cool. But it's very tall, not so good for a one year old to climb in and out of. So, anyway, the bed is on the floor. One problem with this--the air vent was covered, so we pushed it out from the wall a tad to open up the vent.

The plan had been to get the room ready and start to transition Gabby on Friday night, so Justin and I could take turns sleeping on Saturday if things went awry. Oops. No one told this to Gabby. Well, actually I did, but she's one and doesn't get it. I had taken all the linens to wash them, so she was a little hesitant, but went to bed fairly easily the past two nights in her crib. Today I made the bed. She wants it now. So tonight will be her first night in the big bed. We'll see if we make it all night or if she gets relegated to the crib at some point before morning!

I'm weird.

You knew that right?

My mom used to tell me that I was from the wrong century. I will say I like my air conditioning, right to vote, and electricity, not to mention the computer, but I'm pretty far from what I consider the typical 30 year old American woman.

I can. Like put produce into jars and put them in a pressure canner and seal the lids on. Not exactly typical.

I sew. More than buttons or to hem a pair of pants. I regularly make things--curtains, Halloween costumes, clothes, presents for friends, and my favorite is quilts.

Justin likes to tease me about being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. I do that a lot too. Since I don't like shoes, cook most of our meals, and I'm fairly regularly pregnant these days!

I am pretty ubberly conservative too--though I'm not planning to go into politics here.

I have gone to church nearly every Sunday since I was a small child, even through college, and after we were married before we had kids when a lot of people stop going. I will admit there is a serious lack of support for young married couples who don't have children in most churches.

Then there's the whole family thing. Bigger families are starting to make a come back, so I guess moving beyond two isn't super radical these days, but you can try telling that to the person who sold me the pregnancy test for this pregnancy, who asked me, "How old are they?!" looking at my girls. Perhaps the clerk's problem was with their spacing...

I am college educated, but stay home with my children.

We have worked hard to stay out of debt beyond our house and one vehicle.

I'm just not normal! And I like it that way. Besides, I blame it on my family. I think I was sewing before I could write. My grandmothers and mother sewed. Everyone canned--what else do you do with a whole garden full of veggies? My mother cooked almost every meal we had growing up--going out to dinner was a rare treat, not a daily or weekly thing in our household. My parents took us to church and made sure we knew we were supposed to be there. My Grannie had six kids and I always loved that there were always people around.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm alone!
LogoThere are
or fewer people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Either I'm the only one of me or I don't even exist. Hmm. How does that work?

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Reprive

The weather has been so nice. The girls have been enjoying the unseasonably cool days playing outside. We have a nice set up with a swing set, climber, hula hoops, and balls. It's been great seeing them play together out there. Kate even pushes Gabby on the swing, since I'm having trouble doing that, between my allergies and growing belly.

As a kid, my sister and I spent our days outside. I remember playing kick ball with the neighbors, school, and climbing all over the swing set that my dad built, all summer long. I hope that the girls can enjoy playing outside for may years to come. It's good for their little bodies and nice for them to have the extra place to play.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


As we left the gymnasium last week:

Mama, are you tired?

I am a little tired, why?

You can just pick up McDonald's

So good, she's so good. But she didn't get McDonald's,

* * * *

The other day as we were talking about the baby she says in a mock baby voice, "Let me out of here! Someone get a knife and cut me out of here!"


Thursday, July 16, 2009


I suppose it's time for the first of the funny things that Gabby says. Most of her remarks aren't overly witty yet, but we do get a few from time to time.

Yesterday as we were trying to get Kate to count two sets of numbers together in a rudimentary attempt at learning addition, we kept asking her what came after six. "I don't know!" she kept replying.

"Seven!" answered Gabby. It was quite possibly by chance, but funny none the less.

Every time we get out the alphabet flash cards, to practice with Kate, Gabby yells, "C!" Her favorite letter.

Then there are the words that she's not quite proficient at using yet. There's button that is shortened to only it's first syllable. Bad enough in itself, but some of my maternity clothes have buttons on the back pockets. Lovely for the times she pushes on them shouting her version of button. Of course there are words like shirt, that loose their "r" and fork, which for some reason has mutated into a word I have never said in my entire life, but does start with "f" and end in "k."

We are enjoying knowing more and more what is on this munchkin's mind though, and I'm sure she'll have many funny sayings to come.

A Little Project

We have some friends who just had a new baby girl. I know how much I appreciated when people sent small gifts for Kate when they sent baby gifts, so I put together these little pouches for their older girls (M & L).

Their parents were art majors in college (and they have managed to live on more than love, despite the comment of one of their friends' father). I thought they would appreciate something that let the girls be a little artsy on the go. The pouches have little coloring books inside, but they can also be replaced by the blank steno pads for more creativity as they get older. They also hold a 24 pack of crayons.

Now what to buy for a third little girl... My guess is that they have pink blankets galore and plenty of clothes. There are always things that are needed with a new baby, but the joy of guessing what it is!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Phew! It's been one of those mornings. Before eight o'clock Gabby had dumped a whole cup of milk on the kitchen floor. So I wiped up as much as I could and then got the girls breakfast on the table. I spent breakfast sweeping and scrubbing the kitchen floor. Once I'd done that, I of course needed wash the entry and vacuum the living room floor--no use tracking back onto the kitchen floor. This necessitated a trip upstairs to get a new bag since Justin had tossed our old (fly filled) bag last Friday. While I was up there, I might as well fold the load of clothes I put in the dryer at bed time. Oh, and look at that. The hamper is full again. How did that happen?! So I tossed in another load of laundry.

Perhaps some one could convince Gabby to take a nap today. She skipped yesterdays and was up early this morning. Mama wants a little break and it's not even nine!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Play Time

I took the girls to a local gym today to play. Gabby was a little intimidated at first. She wasn't sure of the mats all over the floor and sprang when she walked. She never did want to get on much of the equipment.

She did like climbing over and sitting on the little balance beams.

Speaking of the balance beam--Kate tried her hand at it too. She was timid on her own, but could get across. She practically ran when holding my hand.

Gabby's favorite things to play with were the balls. There were big exercise balls and little ones with handles to sit and bounce on.

Kate liked playing on the bars. She even flipped herself all the way over once, falling on to the mats below--laughing. She's quite the good climber.

I'm hoping for a good long nap time this afternoon!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


"Flies don't have ear wax."

At nine fifteen at night, "But Daddy, I can't sleep, I have important things to do."

Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I didn't sound so desperately worn out one afternoon last week when my husband called to ask a simple question about a lab manual that he came straight home so I could take a nap, having to go back to work after dinner. Not me.

I didn't take my children to the grocery store in the driving rain, just to have it clear up that afternoon, so we could have gone then and stayed dry.

I certainly didn't allow Gabby to make loud noises as she climbed the stairs so as to wake Kate after only a thirty minute nap so we could go help out a friend. The said friend's baby had of course not fallen asleep immediately before I called to say we were on our way making waking the cranky child pointless. Not me!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


It's like an Alfred Hitchcock movie at our house. There are flies everywhere--literally a few hundred. I guess a mama laid her eggs in here. Ugh. I don't usually get bothered by bugs, especially something as benign as flies, but I don't like being swarmed!

Last night Justin went back to work after dinner and when he got home at nine I was standing in the entry with the attachment on the vacuum sucking them up. Ew! Thankfully they have stayed out of the bedrooms, but I keep finding more down stairs. We'll be keeping the bedroom doors shut until we get rid of all the little beasts. I think we're making progress though. I'm only seeing a few at a time right now.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Independence Day

Tomorrow is Independence Day. I'm proud of my family members who served to protect this country. My grandfathers both served very briefly at the end of WWII, my Daddy served in Vietnam and my cousin Drew served recently in Iraq.

Our country is not a perfect place, nor do I agree with all of the decisions made by our elected officials. Quite to the contrary, I often disagree strongly. I am blessed to live in a place where, at least for now, I can disagree aloud with these decisions and vote in elections to try to change things. I toted both of my girls with me to vote in November. May we all remember as we celebrate with back yard BBQs and fireworks that these freedoms came at a great cost and we should be proud of them and exercise them.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Stubborn, I mean Determined

My kids are stubborn, I mean determined. Is this genetic or did I teach them this trait? My father is stub...determined and so am I. Truly, I know there are worse things that they can be. This determination can get them through a lot, but why they have to pick some of the battles they do, I don't know that I'll ever understand. We'll just take yesterday as a for instance.

I pull out the letter cards that I had been working on with Kate before the morning sickness took over. She did fairly well--2/3 of the letters on the first try. But, I knew she knew some of the ones she missed. I had her pick out one of the missed letters at random. It was "D." This was one of the ones I knew she knew. Easy as I pie I assumed. All day long when I would pass the table I would pick it up and she said she didn't know. Any time she "tried" she said it was "U." FYI she knows the letter "U" and got it right twice yesterday.

Then guess what happens. Justin comes home. "Daddy look! It's a 'D.' Duh, duh, 'D.' Like Daddy."

Your kidding right?

Later I ask her and she says, "U." The same this morning. I wonder how many in that stack she missed that she really knows.

Then on to my sweet little Gabby. She was going to be my sweet, compliant child. Evidently that memo got lost. We went out for ice cream with some friends last night. She finished up fairly quickly and decided she wanted down. We were sitting at picnic tables outside, so I thought it would be fine to let her get down and see the baby in the stroller next to us (our friend's baby, not a stranger).

The little stinker tried to take off across the parking lot. She refused to be held, refused to sit on the bench, refused to stand on the sidewalk, and refused to sit in her stroller. We had to give up and abandon our friends in the middle of their ice cream. Screaming child in my arms flailing and red faced--her not me (I promise).

I hold out hope that Gabby is just testing her bounds and will return to her content little self one day soon. But as for Kate, I think her stubbornness is here to stay. I just hope that she uses it to accomplish wonderful things and lead a productive life. And hopefully by the time she's 13 she'll have found something wonderful that she can be stubborn, I mean determined, about other than wanting to do the opposite of what I want.